Hounded By Old Debt?
When you are in debt and facing collection from multiple creditors, it can be a very confusing and stressful situation. Often, it is difficult to keep track of how much you owe, and to whom you owe it. Unfortunately, some debt collectors use this atmosphere of confusion to take advantage of consumers, asking them to pay debts that the consumer has no obligation to pay.
We call them “zombie debt buyers,” debt collectors who purchase credit card debt from other companies for pennies on the dollar, then attempt to collect it. Often, this debt is “dead;” it can no longer be legally enforced. Zombie debt buyers pursue this debt anyway, relying on the fact that most consumers don’t know about the vast array of laws in place to protect consumers from this behavior.
Find Out If You Have A Case
Consumer protection laws can be very complex, making it difficult for the average consumer to know whether the debt he or she is being asked to pay is legitimate, or whether there is a legal case against it. At The Law Offices of Tracy L. Robinson, LC, we offer free consultations to all Kansas and Missouri residents who have concerns about their debt. We will closely examine your case to determine whether you have grounds to contest the issue and assist you with your case if you do.
Often, the debts pursued are for relatively small amounts, leading consumers to assume that the issue is not worth hiring a lawyer over. However, state and federal consumer protection laws ensure that the cost of representation will not be a barrier for consumers: if the debt collectors are found to have violated the law, they will be forced to pay all of our fees, not you.
Contact Us
If you are being pursued by debt collectors, don’t hesitate to seek legal assistance. Attorney Tracy L. Robinson has more than 25 years of experience defending the rights of consumers in debt. To schedule a free consultation, contact us online or call us at 816-842-1317. We have convenient office locations in downtown Kansas City, Lee’s Summit and Zona Rosa.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.